What are Cold Sores?

Cold sores appear as small blisters on or around the mouth or lips. They usually start with a tingling or burning sensation which then develops into small blisters after a few days. The blisters usually clear up after 7 to 10 days. 

Please click on the link below to see our range of cold sore products or scroll down for further information

Over-the-counter Cold Sore treatments

What causes Cold Sores?

Cold sores are caused by a viral infection from the Herpes Simplex virus HSV-1. This virus is highly contagious and is usually spread by direct contact from person to person. Once caught, the virus usually remains inactive until activated by certain triggers, such as stress, cold, sunlight, fatigue and other infections.

Once a person is infected, the virus the virus will remain in the body and will be activated from time to time from various triggers such as stress, colds, other infections, sunlight, fatigue and periods for women. The triggers vary from one person to another. It is normal to get cold sores several times a year as the virus remains with the person for life.
What Cold Sore treatments are there?

Cold sores can usually resolve on their own with no treatment. There are several over the counter treatments available which can help to relieve symptoms of cold sores. These range from cold sore patches or plasters which can cover the cold sore allowing it to heal, to antiviral creams which, if applied early, can help to relieve and reduce the duration of the cold sore.

To browse and purchase treatments for Cold Sores, please click on the link below to go to our online shop.
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Superintendent Pharmacist: Suraj Khokhari
Pharmacist GPhC Reg: 2068345
Premises GPhC Reg: 1095103