What is Plaque Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin condition which causes red, flaky crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales. Plaque Psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis. The patches in plaque psoriasis are usually have a distinct, well defined border between the regular skin and the affected skin.
Plaque Psoriasis is usually found on the outside of elbows, knees, around the scalp, palms or soles of feet amongst other areas. The skin is usually very dry, scaly, red, sore, itchy, thickened and can sometimes crack, bleed and burn or sting.

Psoriasis is not contagious and is not spread by contact, however it can be very distressing for the person suffering, and can make the skin more prone to infections.

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Over-the-counter Psoriasis treatments

What causes Psoriasis?

Plaque Psoriasis is caused by an over production of skin cells in certain areas of our body leading to thickened, scaly skin. This is thought to be due to a malfunction in the immune system which may be from genetic or environmental causes.

The condition can be trigged by events such as trauma or injury, infections, changes in weather such as heat or cold, stress, smoking, alcohol and reactions to some drugs.
What treatments are there?

Treatments for Psoriasis usually involves creams or ointments which contain vitamin D and steroids. These usually need to be prescribed by your GP. Other creams or ointments such as moisturizers and emollients may also be beneficial to relieve the symptoms such as dryness and itchiness. For more severe conditions specialist treatment such as light therapy and drugs which effect the immune system are also available.
How can Skin Clinic Help you?

Our pharmacist can help to diagnose your condition and recommend the correct treatment in a face-to-face consultation at our skin clinic. Through the skin clinic you can access prescription strength treatments without the need to see your GP or wait for an appointment.

Please use the appropriate link above to book an appointment with our pharmacist or browse our range of available treatments in our online shop.
Providing NHS Services RGB BLUE
0121 522 4057
Unit 2 Great Bridge Centre, Charles Street,
West Bromwich, West Midlands. B70 0BF
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Superintendent Pharmacist: Suraj Khokhari
Pharmacist GPhC Reg: 2068345
Premises GPhC Reg: 1095103