It is important to make sure you store your medicines correctly in order to ensure they remain safe, effective and last until the use by date. it is equally important to make sure they are stored in a safe location, away and out of reach of pets and children to keep your loved ones safe. In the same way, when medicines are no longer needed, it is important to dispose of them correctly to ensure they can no longer be used unintentionally by yourself and others, and they are disposed in a way which keeps our environment safe.

Please make sure you read the information on the packaging and the leaflet found with your medicines for correct guidance on how to store them. The following guidance should help you store and dispose of your medicines correctly. 

Medicines should be stored in a safe, cool, dry place out of reach and site of children. The area should be free from moisture so avoid the bathroom or kitchen where possible, and instead choose a safe cabinet in the bedroom. If possible, use a locked cabinet to provide extra security to protect your loved ones. 
Medicines with no special instructions can usually be stored at room temperature. For most medicines this is usually below 25oC. All medicines should be stored in a cool dry place away from excessive moisture and humidity. For this reason avoid storing medicines in the bathroom and choose a cupboard which is high away from reach of pets and children. 
Medicines which are no longer needed, such as expired medicines or medicines which have been stopped, changed or if your course is complete, should be returned to the pharmacy for safe disposal. Medicines should never be disposed of in the bin as this can be harmful to the environment, and there is a risk it could cause harm to some one else inadvertently, such as a child or a pet. This is the same for liquid medicines which also be returned to the pharmacy and never poured down the sink. 
Most medicines will have a use by or expiry date printed on them. Medicines should never be used beyong these dates. 

Some medicines may have a shorter date to use them by once they are opened. This will usually be printed on the box, on the pharmacy label and your pharmacist will usually inform you of this. Such is the case for some liquid antibiotics, eye drops, creams, lotions and insulin. Please make sure you only use them until the specified date and return any unwanted or expired items to the pharmacy. 
Some medicines require storing in the fridge to keep them safe and make sure they last for the required amount of treatment. Although most state this should be between 2oC to 8oC, you do not need to keep measuring your fridge temperature to make sure it is correct. As long as your fridge is working correctly, make sure it is stored in the normal section, ideally high up where children can't reach. Just make sure it's not in the freezer as this would be too cold and damage your medicines. 
Some devices such as inhalers and aerosols contain harmful chemicals, even when empty, which can harm the environment. All empty inhaler devices should be returned to the pharmacy for safe disposal. 
Some medicines, such as those used to treat cancer, arthritis, blood thinners, etc can cause significan harm if used by the wrong person. Your pharmacist will usually highlight medicines which are deemed as high risk. It is important to be aware of these and always store these, along with all other medicines out of reach and site of children to avoid harm. 

Always store your medicines in a cool dry cabinet, high and out of reach of others. If possible, this should be a locked cupboard, especially for high risk medicines. 
Providing NHS Services RGB BLUE
0121 522 4057
Unit 2 Great Bridge Centre, Charles Street,
West Bromwich, West Midlands. B70 0BF
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Superintendent Pharmacist: Suraj Khokhari
Pharmacist GPhC Reg: 2068345
Premises GPhC Reg: 1095103